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4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 = 1024

For this special project of ExperimentaDesign and meeting the biennial theme “It’s About Time”,
we asked ourselves how to put the “time factor” on the production of a special edition of a copy-book.

The idea to produce a limited edition emerged, being each copy-book a unique piece.

Instead of using the technique as a mean of mass production (by printing all at once hundreds of covers from a matrix)
the Heidelberg was used in a “slow design” process in order to print a series of matrixes in a same copy-book.

5 print colours were selected and composed 4 different matrixes for each colour in a total of 20 matrixes.
Each cover was then printed with 5 matrixes (one for each colour) having as final result 1024 different copy-books.

4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 = 1024

The copy-books were numbered in a quaternary system converted into symbols (circle, cross, triangle, square)
instead of being numbered in the traditional way.